Scientist are only now beginning to fully understand the importance of healthy gut bacteria and their positive effect on mental health via the gut – brain connection.
There’s a saying: ‘Healthy Gut – Healthy Mind’ with the gut containing more neurons as opposed to the brain you can understand why and your brain’s overall health is ultimately dictated to by what goes on in your gut.
A pilot study involved 44 adults with IBS and mild to moderate anxiety or depression were followed for 10 weeks, half took a daily dose of the probiotics while the others had a placebo.
After six weeks 14 of the 22 participants or 64% taking the probiotics had decreased depression scores, compared to seven of 22 participants (or 32%) of patients given placebo.
Compromised gut bacteria may have many other negative flow on effects including, reduced cognitive ability, a negative mindset, feeling physically unwell, fatigue, increased likely hood of autoimmune diseases, weight gain and even reduced libido,
We have a number of great probiotic products available both in store or online to ensure healthy gut bacteria is optimized as follows:

Probiotic 8