MAX’S Sustained Release Protein System
Micellar Casein –
Calcium Caseinate –
Is a slow digesting and absorbing protein that is ideal for nightuse and for trainers with a faster metabolism. During digestion itreleases a multitude of bioactive peptides to enhance anabolic responseand improve metabolic processes.
Whey Protein Concentrate (instantised) –
Is a medium digesting and absorption protein derived from milk.This highly bioactive whey protein has a superior muscle building aminoacid profile and contains high levels of immune and health enhancingprotein fractions including Lactoglobulin, Lactoalbumin,Glycomacropeptides, Bovine Serum Albumin, Immunoglobulins, Lactoferrin,Lactoperoxidase, and the Growth Factors IGF-1, IGF-2 & TGF.
Complementing this advanced Protein Matrix are the following nutrients to support maximum muscle growth and restful sleep:
Skullcap and Chamomile – aremedicinal herbs that exhibit many reported benefits including promotingcalmness, reducing anxiety and inducing sleep without side effects.
L-Glutamine– the most important amino acid after heavy training, it preventsmuscle tissue catabolism and stimulates muscle recovery and growth whileyou sleep to help build lean, hard muscle.
Vitamins and Minerals– these micronutrients are vital components of all muscle buildingbiochemistry and are included to ensure optimal recovery and growth.
Serving Suggestion:Mix 1 – 2 level scoops in 500ml of milk or 300 ml of water and mix in ablender or shaker for 30 – 45 seconds (each level scoop is approx. 30grams). Take 30 minutes before retiring to bed. This product is designedto be taken in conjunction with a nutritious diet and a suitable weighttraining or fitness program.
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